Whiteboard Tables
(and Benches and Seating too!)
There’s something about dry wipe writable surfaces.
There’s something about the sense of audience.
Something about the inability to hide – it’s clear to everyone when you’re participating in a learning activity and when you’re not. Learniture offers stunning Dry Wipe writable tables for schools.
And there’s something about risk-taking – from an early-years learner attempting simple letter formations right through to a university undergraduate considering a complex mathematical equation: if you fail you can simply wipe it out (remembering what Thomas Edison apparently said:
"I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work."

Ten years ago, it was assumed that IT was the answer to everything. But as that has become ubiquitous (apparently the average smartphone in a student’s pocket could guide 120 million Apollo 1 missions to the moon) there’s something about the spontaneity of taking a big fat chunky dry-wipe pen in your hand (you can always photograph and upload the results to a digital portfolio anyway) that makes it entirely relevant in educational settings.
Tested to BS EN 14434:2010, genuine LearningSurface® dry wipe finish is used on all applicable Learniture® products.
It’s easy enough to make claims about dry-wipe surfaces, but the British Standard Institute and the European Committee for Standardisation have set out a series of tests for ‘writing boards for educational institutions’. And ours are the ones that have been tested to, and met, those rigorous standards for school classroom whiteboard tables.
…ours are the ones that have been tested to, and met, those rigorous standards for school classroom whiteboard tables.